
The Best 13 Baby Prams and Strollers In Australia In 2024

4 Redsbaby Onix Pram Lifestyle Hero 04

Can you put a newborn in a pram? What are my options?

Yes! Many prams and strollers are made for use from birth (with a newborn bassinet insert) until children reach a certain weight, and this is different with each pram. Many parents also choose to buy a bassinet to use in place of the traditional seat for the first few months of baby’s life. This is a flat bed-like seat that allows baby to lay back in the pram for sleeps.

Some parents also choose to use a capsule in the pram for the first few months of the baby’s life, as these are smaller than traditional pram and stroller seats and allow you to strap baby in in more of un upright position. They are also designed to clip in and out of the car seat and the pram, making for easy transfer. It's important to consider a wide range of prams and strollers before making your final decision.

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The best pram for a newborn is the one that best suits you and your lifestyle. There are so many different designs, weights and functionality out there, so it’s best to have a think about how you’ll be spending your days and how you’ll be using your pram day-to-day so that you can better narrow down your search.

How do you know which pram is right for you?

Your pram will be one of your biggest and most important investments when it comes to preparing for your baby’s arrival. While prams are all made for the same reason, it is important to remember that they’re not all created equal. It’s integral that you take a few for a spin before you buy, and choose one to align with your lifestyle. Here are some of the factors to consider before choosing your newborn pram.

Pram weight:
Pram weight is an important factor to consider, especially if you’re going to be lugging your pram in and out of the car or home (if you live in flats without a lift for example) every day. You have to consider whether you’d like a more lightweight pram you might eventually like to jog with, or are happy with something a little heavier to peruse the streets and the shopping centres.

Take a gander at your car, will the pram you’re eyeing even fit in the boot? Likewise, where are you planning to store it in the house? Checking out how compact a pram can become is essential if you’re tight on space. Also, how wide is it? Are you going to be able to manoeuvre it easily? These questions are all important to consider when you’re looking for a suitable pram.

Are the storage compartments adequate for the things you’re going to need to have with you? Is the storage compartment easily accessible when your baby is strapped in? It’s a good idea to talk to mum friends or research what you’ll need in your baby bag to see if the storage in your pram will suffice.

All prams and strollers available to buy in Australia have to adhere to ACCC product safety standards, these include the inclusion of a tether strap, a safety harness, a waist and a crotch strap, and one or more parking devices that limit the movement of the pram or stroller. You must also always read and follow individual manufacturer’s usage instructions. You can find the full list of

ACC pram and stroller requirements here.

Age recommendation:
Will the pram you’re looking at grow with your baby? If you’re looking to spend a little more and have your pram go the distance, you need to consider whether when your baby grows and weighs around 13-14kgs, the pram will still be big enough.

Most prams come with an age recommendation, either suitable from birth to a certain age weight range or six months to a certain age or weight range. Prams that don’t accommodate from birth will more than likely offer a bassinet attachment that you’ll have to buy separately.

Depending on how you plan to spend most of your days, how much your pram can recline can be pretty important. If you’re a regular café goer, you may want baby to be able to almost ‘sit’ at the table with you. If you’re foregoing a bassinet, you may want your pram’s seat to be able to recline as close to ‘flat’ as possible, so that he or she can get a comfortable shut-eye. You may also find that the more reclining options the better, as you haven’t met baby yet and can’t predetermine which positions they’ll find the most comfortable. More options means more chance of finding something that works!

Functional extras:
Most prams come with some decent add-ons that can be used with your pram, so it’s a good idea to do a little research to see if you can purchase a cup holder, or a rain cover, or a pram caddy to hang off the handle to hold your phone and wallet. While not all of these will be necessary for you, it’s worth factoring a few of these extras into the total cost of your pram.

Now that you've got all the specifics, we look at the current market and outline the top pram brands in Australia that are ready to buy in 2024!

1. Redsbaby ONIX, from $999

 Redsbaby Onix Pram Lifestyle Hero 13

What makes the Redsbaby ONIX different?

The Redsbaby ONIX Pram stands out for its considered design and practical features, tailored to modern parenting needs that will take your child through all ages and stages.

At a glance, the ONIX Pram is a full-sized, all-terrain option set apart by its remarkable one-second, single-hand fold, allowing you to effortlessly collapse the pram even when juggling multiple tasks. Whether you're adjusting the recline, footrest, or canopy, it's all easily managed with just one hand.

As always with Redsbaby, safety and comfort are front of mind for both parent and child. From the contoured harness and padded straps to the mesh ventilation panels within the canopy and seat back, every detail is crafted with your child's well-being in mind. Plus, the extra-large UPF50+ extension canopy offers generous protection from the elements, ensuring your little one stays snug and protected during outdoor adventures, in any climate.

The ONIX is built for families who love adventure. The puncture-proof all-terrain wheels ensure a smooth ride, and weighing in at just 11.4kg the ONIX is easy to lift in and out of car boots with the carry handle. With a 10kg capacity basket, you’ll have no problems packing all your essentials.

Why try the Redsbaby ONIX?

The Redsbaby ONIX pram is a revolution in the full-size single pram category with its easy-to-use functionality, versatility and comfort. With a lay-flat seat, optional bassinet or newborn pod and capsule compatibility, it grows with your child from infancy to their toddler years. The spacious 22kg seat offers optimum comfort and can be positioned parent-facing for those precious bonding moments or world-facing for curious explorations. In world-facing mode, the seat sits at table height, eliminating the need for a high chair when dining out and allowing your child to feel included, and we simply cannot get over the ultimate one second, one handed fold. 

So, if you're looking for a pram that seamlessly combines functionality, comfort, safety and style, look no further than the Redsbaby ONIX Pram.

2. YOYO², $849.95

Babyzen Yoyo

The YOYO² travel pram is ready to grow with your baby with it’s handy interchangeable seats pad + canopy! These can change with your mood as it comes with colourful accessories that you can swap out whenever you fancy! One of our favourite features is the famous flick that makes this pram one to beat! It is the market leader for a reason! It's lightweight, easy to 'drive' - and comfortable!

Can I use the YOYO² travel pram with a newborn?

Yes! The YOYO² 0+ Newborn Pack allows parents to turn their incredibly lightweight and reliable travel pram into the ultimate cosy mode of transport for newborns. When you’re out and about, your baby is comfortably snuggled in his/her soft, cozy nest pad, which is specially designed to accommodate newborns. The YOYO² 0+ Newborn Pack allows you to lay your baby completely flat, facing you, while remaining safe in the 5-point harness.

Why try the YOYO²?

  • Carry on the shoulder with its padded shoulder strap
  • Hytrel® elastomer suspension, unique technology
  • 5-point harness
  • Anti-UV (UPF 50+) water-repellent fabric
  • Supplied with a carrying bag
  • Basket supports up to 5 kg (11 lbs)
  • 2-year warranty
  • First cabin luggage-approved stroller (folded to 52cm x 44 x 18cm)
  • Optional accessories (cup holder, toddler board, car seat adaptor, leg rest)

What makes the YOYO different?

The YOYO² is so much more than a travel pram! Suitable for use from birth with the addition of the newborn pack, it is compact, lightweight - and most importantly - comfortable enough to be your everyday pram! You also don't need adaptors to connect the newborn pack!

The best bit? The YOYO² can be folded down with the newborn pack on the stroller and can be flicked (or opened!) with one hand as well. When the YOYO²  is folded (either with the regular seat or newborn pack) it will fit cabin dimensions. As well as being a superb pram for children up to 22kgs, this is a super compact newborn solution!

"“- Very satisfied with my pram, very easy to move around, not too bulky or heavy. - Pram has only 2 parts making it easy when packing away or placing it in a car. - 3 adjustable seating settings taking your child through their stages baby/infant/toddler. - very easy to clean, just wipe away !”" - Mfly

3. Mamas & Papas Ocarro All-Terrain Pram, $1,699.95

Mamas Papas Ocarro All Terrain Pram

The perfect stroller for families on the go, the Mamas & Papas Ocarro All-Terrain Pram has a one-hand fold and is quick and compact to store. With dual suspension for a smooth ride over any terrain, this pram is made for families on the go!

What makes the Mamas & Papas Ocarro All-Terrain Pram different?

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro all-terrain pram offers superior comfort for your little one and can be easily folded with just one hand, making it ideal whether you're exploring country parks or running errands in town. Plus, its coordinating accessories make life on the go even easier! 

Why try the Mamas & Papas Ocarro All-Terrain Pram?

The Ocarrofeatures dual suspension and tough tyres to give your little one smooth rides - perfect for naps on the go! The seat is large and padded, while chest pads and head-hugging pillows provide extra comfort. You can easily fold it up using just one hand when you need to store or transport it thanks to its compact design.


  • Lie-back seat can be used from birth to support natural sleep
  • The lie-back seat provides a comfortable and supportive ride for babies from birth
  • With padded chest pads, head hugger, and an extendable hood to shelter your little one, you can be sure that they'll have a safe journey
  • The adjustable handle height also allows you to customize the seat for maximum comfort
  • Reflective wheel rims will help you stay visible at night, while puncture-proof tyres can protect your wheels on any terrain
  • The big easy-to-access basket is perfect for stowing away shopping bags or other items
  • An ergonomically designed chassis can easily tackle kerbs without issue
  • Mesh pockets are also great for keeping adaptors and rain covers handy when needed

4. smarTrike Traveler Stroller, $799.99

smartrike traveller pram

What makes smarTrike Traveler Stroller different?

The smarTrike Traveler Stroller transforms from stroller to trike in 4 stages, giving your child more independence with each. It’s built with features that make it comfortable, safe, and fun for you and your little one on every ride.

From stroller to trike in seconds! All it takes is one click to transform the smarTrike Traveler Stroller into a fully-equipped trike. So as soon as your little one is ready to ride, so is the Traveler.

Better still, you can quickly and easily switch between parent/child mode and help them learn to ride.

Why try the smarTrike Traveler Stroller?

The smarTrike Traveler Stroller lays flat - making naps on the go a cinch!. Yep, the smarTrike Traveler Stroller features a 150° reclining seat, for ultimate naptime comfort.

This Travel Stroller that can take on any terrain! No road is too rough for the Traveler. Sporting a 360° XL front wheel, it provides the smoothest, safest ride for your little one.

It also features an SPF50+ canopy, so that your little ones are protected from the sun as they cruise!

It’ also a cinch for parents, as you can also maneuver it one-handed! Designed with convenience in mind, the smarTrike Traveler Stroller folds down into a compact package in seconds with just one push of a button.

5. Edwards & Co Olive Pram, $1,199.00

Edwards & Co Lifestyle Olive Black Luxe Double

What makes the Edwards & Co Olive Pram different?

The Edwards & Co Olive Pram is an adaptable four-wheel pram with luxurious, full-size seats for one or two children. The cool part is, the Olive has the same footprint whether you use it as a single or double pram and boasts a super compact fold, meaning it won’t take up too much space in your home!

The Olive’s compact design makes for easy maneuverability and a smooth ride, and the Memory Adapter system makes removing the seats easier, even with one hand. As a double pram, the Edwards & Co Olive Pram can take a whopping 54kgs with an extra 10kgs in the basket!

Better still, the Olive has been designed to be longer-lasting, and it exceeds the AS/NZS durability standards.

Why try the Edwards & Co Olive Pram?

If you’re looking for a sophisticated, chic pram that can be set up with a range of configurations as a single or double, and has a full range of compatible accessories available - this is the everyday pram of your dreams!

Aside from thoughtful features, the Edwards & Co Olive Pram also comes with the following:

  • Extended 3 year warranty if purchased directly and free servicing.
  • Customer Service & free servicing
  • Free Shipping
  • 30 Day Guarantee

Real customer reviews:

"My sister has this stroller and I use it when I babysit! It is wonderful. Easy to push, and easy to fold into the car. It’s excellent value for money as it’s durable, and you buy it for your first child, then you can continue to use it when your second comes along. I’m very keen to have one of these when my baby arrives! It makes keeping fit and going on outdoor adventures convenient and enjoyable." - Undefined
"The olive pram is high quality, easy to use and stylish. The pram compacts easily and is light weight. The pram can be used as a single or double and has a good basket. The pram is slim and doesn’t take up much space but is comfy and big enough for the kids and is nice to use." - Undefined

6. Redsbaby NUVO Pram, from $1,199

Redsbaby Nuvo Pram Single Lifestyle Hero 01 Crop

In a busy world more fast paced than ever, parents are looking for purchases that will deliver what they promise, make life easier and adapt when life changes. The brand new Redsbaby NUVO pram is the answer you’ve been searching for.

What makes the Redsbaby NUVO Pram different?

The Redsbaby NUVO is the lightest and most compact* double pram in its class, boasting a lightweight 8.2kg pram frame, and when out and about it easily maneuvres through tight spaces. Yep - not only is the NUVO super easy to push and pack away, it can also be configured in up to 18 different ways, to ensure it is adapting to your needs as a family.

If it’s luxury styling & features you want, the NUVO should be on your list. With a generous underseat 12kg capacity basket, this pram allows ample space and accessibility for all baby essentials and much more. Plus, It is the only double pram to fold with one or two seats attached in parent-facing or world-facing mode. Better yet, you don't need to remove the adaptors to fold. 

Why try the Redsbaby NUVO Pram?

The Redsbaby NUVO pram is built for Australian conditions. With an extra-large extension canopy plus new large breathable ventilation panels on the seat back and bassinet which open easily with magnetic closures, the NUVO allows for optimum airflow and comfort for your little one.

A feature you didn’t know you needed until you do! Most prams have just one height setting, meaning that when your baby is in parent or world-facing, you must bend down to tend to them or move them to a highchair if you want to pull up at a cafe table. The Redsbaby NUVO Pram is designed with two height positions allowing you to position your seat or bassinet in the middle or upper position in single mode. The upper position can enhance bonding opportunities with your baby, while the middle position facilitates your child's interaction with the world as they grow. 

Additionally, for peace of mind, Redsbaby provides a 30-day indoor trial, free, easy returns, and a 3-year warranty on all pram purchases. For those who prefer to try before making a purchase, Redsbaby organises their iconic Demo Days nationwide. To find a Demo Day near you, click here.

It's love!

"Loving our new NUVO, it is such a versatile and lightweight double compared to other prams we have owned. The different configurations work perfectly for our family, a must have for parents with two little ones close in age. Would definitely recommend." - Belinda, NSW

The storage basket is MASSIVE!

"I love this pram. I've worked as a nanny for a number of years, so know my way around a pram - this one is fantastic. Loads of storage without being chunky, and great versatility. The one hand fold down/up is great too." - Pebble, NSW
""Just used this pram to travel back and forward to the UK with a 9 month old. Wow! Lightweight, amazing design and fits easily into the overhead compartment. Easy to pack away and unfolds with one hand (always useful!). As a pram/stroller it rides rough surfaces well, has very responsive steering, good storage and a rain hood that folds/unfolds easily. The suspension is good and I couldn't think of a negative.”" - Alex

Exceptional double pram!

"This pram is so well designed. It’s lightweight but very sturdy. Looks beautiful and is comfortable for my two kids. Different configurations make it fun for my toddler and it fits so well in my car." - Abbey, VIC

Game changer!

"Kelly, QLD" - The pram is easy to put together and moves so smoothly! Getting it in and out of the car is really easy, especially with the ability to drop it down no matter what way the seat is facing. Would recommend this pram to anyone!

To shop the Redsbaby NUVO Pram, visit the Redsbaby website.

7. Redsbaby AERON, from $799.00

Redsbaby Aeron Pram Lifestyle Hero 01 Crop

What makes the Redsbaby AERON different?

Get ready to elevate your parenting experience with Redsbaby’s sleek and innovative AERON Pram - where style meets functionality. Featuring a unique one-handed, one-second fold with seat parent or world-facing, the AERON is designed for modern parents who value a compact and agile design.

Suitable for newborns with the addition of the Newborn Pod or Bassinet, the AERON will grow with your child with an adjustable canopy height providing extra headroom. Featuring a spacious 8kg basket, four-wheel suspension, and built for the Australian climate with a full mesh seat back to keep your baby cool. The AERON is the ultimate single pram; agile, considered and functional.

Why try the Redsbaby AERON?

It has the best fold ever. 

  • Unique one second, one hand fold. Be on your way in moments
  • Stands upright when folded. Pick up easily without bending over
  • Ultra slimline fold. Fits in the smallest spaces and is easily portable
  • Folds parent and world facing, no need to reverse the seat
  • Carry with one hand with the included padded carry strap

AERON Pram Features: 

  • Full mesh panel on seat back for breathability
  • Lightweight 9.2kg pram. Easy to lift, move, carry, and store.
  • Easy-access 8kg large storage basket
  • Height-adjustable canopy for tall toddlers
  • Large, breathable extension sun canopy
  • Comfortable and ergonomic 5-point safety harness system
  • Capsule compatible. For uninterrupted sleep between destinations.
  • Adjustable footrest and pivoting bumper bar
  • Reversible seat with one-handed seat recline with three positions. Lays completely flat for sleeping on the go
  • Adjustable telescopic handle bar with four heights
  • Four-wheel suspension with puncture-proof wheels, travel over different terrains in comfort
  • Ready for your newborn with optional Bassinet or Newborn Pod.
  • Removable seat pad included

Compact, lightweight and easy to fold!

"I absolutely love this pram! Has all the features I wanted in a pram. Parent facing, world facing, compact, suspension in wheels, breathable material and reclining seat positions." - Kiara, ACT

Compact without compromise

"The AERON is lightweight, easy to manoeuvre and holds up on different terrains. Easy to fold/unfold and the mesh back is fantastic in QLD. The design is sleek and we will be taking our pram overseas in a few weeks. I’m so happy with Redsbaby and would recommend this pram to all!" - Laura, QLD

8. Mamas & Papas Strada Pram, $1,599.95

Mamas Papas Strada Pram

The perfect combination of portability and convenience, the Mamas & Papas Strada Pram is designed to make navigating tight streets and busy shops a breeze, with a lightweight frame and small wheels!

Why try the Mamas & Papas Strada Pram?

The Mamas & Papas Strada Pram is also available in a Black Diamond edition, which is inspired by precious jewels. The pram features an inky black chassis with luxurious gold detailing, honeycomb fabrics that contrast against high-shine metal and a soft quilted hood lining. The lie-back seat is suitable from birth and offers multiple recline positions so your baby can sit up to take in their surroundings or be laid down for naptime when they're ready.


  • Keep your baby safe and comfortable with this stroller, featuring tactile natural fibres for extra snugness
  • Black leatherette details add a stylish finish, as well as reflective wheel rims to keep you visible at night
  • The fully upright seat allows your little one to watch the world go by while you adjust the handle height to suit your needs
  • The large easy-to-access basket makes shopping trips easier
  • The pram fits perfectly with your travel system when used with Strada adaptors
  • The zip away hood and side mesh panels provide plenty of ventilation
  • Keep an eye on baby easily thanks to its silent peekaboo window
  • Keep your baby safe and secure with the quick and easy safety harness buckles
  • The built-in insect netting and sunshield will keep them protected
  • They can enjoy a comfortable ride in the lie-back seat, which is suitable from birth thanks to its multi-recline positions

What makes the Mamas & Papas Strada Pram different?

Making taking city strolls with ease using the Mamas & Papas Strada pram and accessories. With a small, lightweight frame and easy one-handed folding system, you can quickly store it in tight spaces for convenient portability. Plus, its smooth steering will have you navigating busy streets and shops with your baby in no time!

9. Greentom Reversible, $749.00

Greentom Reversible

What makes the Greentom Reversible Stroller different?

We all know that it's the little ones that are in charge of how they see the world.

The Greentom Reversible Stroller is able to be used with baby either in a parent or world-facing configuration. With 5 different recline angles, It's also perfect for all scenarios; from a curious baby eager to be part of the conversation in the upright position, to a sleepy baby who is ready for a nap in the flat reclined position.

Why try Greentom Reversible Stroller?

Perfect for families with a green heart!

The Greentom frame is made from high quality, non-toxic recycled materials. The recycled bottle fabric is soft, durable and anti-bacterial with excellent UPF rating. Made from 51 recycled soft drinking bottles! 


  • Super lightweight 5kg frame (8kg total)
  • Smooth ride
  • Easy fold
  • Detachable shopping bag for extra storage, carries up to 10 kg. 
  • Lifetime warranty on the frame (for the first owner).
  • One frame from newborn to age 4+. With optional fabric sets to change from newborn carrycot to Reversible Stroller to Classic stroller.
  • Comfortable and ergonomic 5-point safety harness system
  • Capsule compatible. For uninterrupted sleep between destinations.
  • Excellent (50+) UPF rating

The Greentom Reversible is made of high-quality (recycled) materials:

  • The frame is made of recycled polypropylene
  • The Bottle Fabric Collection is made from recycled PET bottles
  • Components are easy to disassemble and can be reused or recycled
  • Greentom products do not contain BPA, PVC or Phthalates and are non-toxic

Real customer reviews:

"Since receiving our greentom stroller we have had soooo many people ask where it’s from. It’s slightly different to all other strollers on the market so people are always asking about it. It’s so smooth when walking with it and weights as much as a feather. My little one has had absolutely no complaints either! 10/10" - C.A.

Amazing quality!

"I’m really happy with my Greentom, I love what this brand is doing for the planet, the quality is amazing. I take it everywhere we go, it’s super easy to pack down and throw in the car, and the shopping bag attachment is a must and super handy it’s also super stylish and detaches easily and can be used as a nappy bag too."

Greentom options:

Sizing guide:

Carrycot, 0-6 months

Reversible, 6 months – 2.5 years

Classic, 6 months – 4+ years

10. UPPAbaby Vista V2

Uppababy vista V2

The latest evolution of UPPAbaby VISTA is the new VISTA V2. The enhanced performance features make life easier for growing families. This easy-folding 'double' stroller can carry up to three children with ease - and allows for multiple configurations.

What makes UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller different?

UPPAbaby strollers are loved enormously by families around the world - and for good reason. They’re secure, they’re comfortable, they come complete with a generous under basket - and they are designed to grow with your family!

What’s included:
  • Frame & Basket

  • Toddler Seat & Extendable Canopy

  • Bumper Bar

  • Bassinet

  • Wheels

  • Toddler Seat Rain Shield

  • Toddler Seat Insect Net

  • Bassinet Insect Net

  • Bassinet Storage Bag

Why try UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller?

If you’re looking for a double pram that can cater to your growing family, you can’t go past the UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller. Here are just a few reasons why; comfort, style, safety, and longevity!

11. Stokke Xplory X, $2,199.00

Stokke Xplory X

What makes the Stokke Xplory X different?

Premium from top to bottom, the Stokke® Xplory® X is  the perfect choice for conscious parents who want the best for their baby without compromising on safety, quality, or style. The unique design of the Stokke® Xplory® X  brings you and your baby closer for the connection they need to feel safe and loved.

Something you may not know, is that the latest Signature Edition of the Stokke® Xplory® X is inspired by the latest runway trends! So, when you spot the distinctive fashionable features, like the luxurious all-black frame with luxe matte gold chassis, you’ll know where the distinctive fashionable features come from!

What Makes The Stokke® Xplory® X Different?

The protective seat of the Stokke® Xplory® X has active, rest and sleep positions, which gives your child ultimate comfort every step of the way. Innovative Scandinavian design makes Stokke® Xplory® X effortless to manoeuvre and handle. Carry cot or car seat accessories make it ideal for use from newborn.

  • A luxury ride for use from Newborn up to 22kg 
  • Protective reclining stroller seat for baby’s comfort 
  • Tested and trusted for safety & quality 
  • Secure infant car seat & carry cot for newborns 
  • Effortless to manoeuvre with swivel wheels
  • The seat is high enough that doubles as a high chair when you’re out and about!

Why Try The Stokke® Xplory® X?

The Stokke® Xplory® X has a number of incredible, innovative features, including:

  • Complete stroller with high seat to keep your baby close and at table level. 
  • Closeness and connection with their parents gives babies a sense of security. 
  • Three seat recline angles for all-day comfort: sleep, rest, active; reversible seat with parent- and forward-facing positions.
  • Grows with your child from newborn to toddler, up to a weight limit of 22kg / 45lbs. 
  • Adjustable footrest in three positions for comfort at each age. Leg rest to support tiny feet and growing legs.
  • Supports freedom of movement for the shoulders and arms. 
  • Extended canopy with visor for shade and protection.
  • Extra quiet canopy folding doesn't disturb your baby's sleep. 
  • Canopy mesh opening for air flow; also functions as a window to keep an eye on your baby. 
  • Removable padded seat inlay for a custom fit; made in a soft, knitted, quick-dry material. 
  • Extra seat padding to support your newborn baby.

The Stokke® Xplory® X also comes in a Special “Signature” Edition, inspired by designs from latest runway trends.

Real customer reviews:

"“We took ages to look into a pram as it was one of our only big ticket items. We are so glad we got the Stokke Xplory. We have the all black version which is sleek and looks great and the height and width of this stroller is fantastic, high enough for great interaction, museums, city and garden walks, galleries and zipping through smaller aisles and elevators, converting it into a high chair and in day to day life. My child is so comfortable in his chair and really enjoys being up high and seeing the world. The bag is deceptively large and we put a backpack on the other side so we can use the pram bag for shopping. Fits in the car boot easily with room to spare and super easy to take apart. All in all, money well spent.”" - Kushla

12. Bugaboo Fox 5, $2,139.00

Bugaboo Fox5

Introducing the most comfortable and manoeuvrable all-terrain pram from Bugaboo. The Bugaboo Fox 5 offers the best ride on any terrain, with one-hand fold and superior comfort for your child.

Why try the Bugaboo Fox 5?

With a free 4-year warranty and a 100-day risk-free trial, the Bugaboo Fox 5 is likely to be the pram you find you can’t live without. Featuring a luxurious high seat (the highest in the Bugaboo range), the Bugaboo Fox 5 is also sustainably built to last with bio-based material, reducing CO2 footprint by 20%. You’ll love the comfortable, padded seat, plus, the extendable footrest means you can alter the pram to grow with your child.

Plus, you can enjoy up to 10kg of space in the underseat basket. You’re welcome!

What makes the Bugaboo Fox 5 different?

  • Large, puncture-proof wheels and advanced suspension for smooth rides on all terrains. 
  • Unique chassis design for best-in-class manoeuvrability. 
  • Easily use one hand to fold, adjust the handlebar or recline the seat. 
  • Spacious padded bassinet with a breezy panel and aerated mattress for enhanced breathability and comfort of your baby. 
  • Extendable, ergonomic padded seat that grows with your child. You can extend the footrest, offering 5cm extra space. 
  • Large extendable sun canopy with peekaboo window and UPF 50+ sun protection treatment for a perfect balance of protection and visibility​​. 
  • Spacious underseat basket carries up to 10 kg. 
  • Folding the Bugaboo Fox 5 can be done in two ways: as a one-piece fold (with either the seat or the bassinet) for convenient storage in your hallway, or as a two-piece compact fold for easy transportation in the back of your car.​ 
  • Built to last with sustainable materials. The Fox 5 is made with the future in mind, using bio-based plastics and PFAS-free fabrics. ​ 
  • The Bugaboo Fox 5 is compatible with several infant car seats from Bugaboo and other car seat brands. The Bugaboo car seat adapters provide a safe and easy connection, and the click-and-go system makes it quick and simple to go from car to pram.

13. The JIVE Pram from Redsbaby, From $999

Redsbaby Jive

What makes The JIVE Pram from Redsbaby different?

This flagship product is the market-leading Redsbaby JIVE⁵, which has been designed to grow with your family by converting from a lightweight, compact and easy-to-use single, into an agile and slimline double/tandem pram. The bassinet features breathable panels and has been tested and approved for overnight sleeping  (when used in conjunction with the Redsbaby Bassinet Stand – sold separately).

With a beautiful, modern Australian aesthetic, the JIVE⁵ encompasses thoughtful engineering and carefully considered design to create a pram that seamlessly grows with your family, carrying newborn to toddler-sized passengers.

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Want to see the best of prams in Australia up close? Come to our next Sydney baby expo or Melbourne baby expo by visiting our Sydney baby expo page here or our Melbourne baby expo page here.


The One Fine Baby team are first and foremost mums - between us we have 25 children, and decades of experience in all things bump, baby and beyond. We regularly bring together our tried, researched and recommended products in a review style format such as this post. The articles include some paid inclusions which goes to helping us keep our audiences informed on the top products happening right here, right now in the parenting space. Please be sure that no product will ever be included in our articles, paid or otherwise, if it doesn’t deserve to be there.

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