
Real Mum Review: Owlet Baby Monitor

Real Mum Review Owlet Baby Monitor

The latest baby monitor to give you peace of mind!

We love innovation and The Owlet Smart Sock is the latest baby monitor to hit the online shelves. Finding the right baby monitor is probably up there with one of the most important things you can purchase as new parents. Especially for your first baby. Knowing you can rest easy, and catch up on your own sleep as you have a baby monitor you can trust, is of the upmost importance!

The Smart Sock comfortably wraps around your baby’s foot to track heart rate, oxygen levels and sleep using clinically-proven pulse oximetry. The base station glows green to let you know everything is okay but notifies with lights and sounds if heart rate or oxygen levels leave preset zones.

Don't take our word for it though. We asked one of our customers, Michele who is a mum of three children what she thought about the Owlet smart sock baby monitor.


Our Real Mum Review of the Owlet Smart Sock and Cam

Meet Michele, mum of 3 who used the Owlet Smart Sock and Cam for her third baby, after having so many people recommend Owlet she had to try it out for herself.

Real Mum Review Owlet Baby Monitor 4

What did Michele think of the baby monitor?

For Michele, the best thing about the Owlet (aside from sleeping much easier) is that is tracks all of the important things. From heart rate and oxygen levels, to the room temperature so that you know bub is okay. The fact that you don’t need to monitor the monitor was a real benefit. The base station notifies you with lights and sounds when something falls out of the predetermined ranges.

“It’s empowering to have all the information you need, allowing you to relax, get some sleep and keep your sanity.”

Want more information?

The Owlet baby monitor comes highly recommended to any mum who needs peace of mind whilst their baby is sleeping.

For more on what Michele thought about Owlet and how the technology and design compares to other baby monitors, watch the full review video below.

For more information and to see purchase the Owlet Smart Sock please visit their website here.

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