
5 Tips For Easing Pregnancy Bloating And Constipation

5 Tips For Easing Pregnancy Bloating And Constipation

Ahhhhh pregnancy… such a time of joy and anticipation. Glorious shiny locks, glowing skin, and people around you basically forcing you to rest! Unfortunately, however, for many women, pregnancy doesn’t look anything like this! In fact, for many women, pregnancy can come with a whole bunch of unwanted challenges, and two of the more common complaints we hear about are uncomfortable bloating and constipation. So, to help you find relief, the brains at Day One Fertility have compiled our top 5 tips to reduce bloating and constipation during pregnancy.

But first, why?

It seems unfair that you can get thrown so many curve balls (hello, ‘morning’ sickness…all day) when you’re just trying to feel excited about the life you’re creating. There are many reasons our digestive system may underperform during pregnancy, including hormonal changes, stress, anxiety, diet, low fluid intake, or taking certain medications and supplements, just to name a few!

Our top 5 tips to relieve your constipation and bloating during pregnancy:


1. Carry a water bottle everywhere

Pregnant women need more fluids! The best option during pregnancy to decrease bloating and aid digestion is plain-old, still water. Don’t be tempted to hit the sparkling waters, as the extra air in this may increase bloating! Also, make sure you remember to limit your caffeine intake, as this can also mess with your digestion!

2. Probiotics

Probiotics have well-and-truly made it into the mainstream, and for good reason! Studies have shown that taking a specific probiotic during pregnancy may help to relieve gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating and constipation, for some people. Despite this promising evidence, it’s still always a good idea to talk to your health practitioner before adding in a supplement…particularly during pregnancy.

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3. Eat smaller meals, more often

You may have heard that doing this can help reduce morning sickness, and the same goes for reducing bloating! Eating smaller meals decreases the ‘load’ of food that your digestive system has to deal with all at once, helping to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by bloating.

4. Well-planned supplements

Not all supplements are created equal! Many women experience iron deficiency during pregnancy and are advised to buy an iron supplement. Unfortunately one of the more common forms of iron supplementation, ferrous fumarate, is a really common cause of constipation! Other forms, such as ferrous bisglycinate, is generally better tolerated, with reports of reduced bloating, pain, and constipation than those taking the ferrous fumarate. Always plan your pregnancy supplements with the help of a trained professional.

5. Don’t forget your fibre

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Australians generally don’t eat anywhere near enough fibre, with adults only eating an average of 18.2 grams per day…a fair way short of the recommended 28g/day for pregnant women! Adequate fibre intake during pregnancy can help relieve constipation and bloating. There are two main types of fibre, soluble and insoluble, and whilst it’s a great idea to aim for a bit from both camps, it is worth knowing that they can have varying effects on your symptoms, depending on how sensitive your gut is, so take is slow! To acquire a variety of soluble and insoluble fibres, aim to eat whole plant foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Always increase daily fibre gradually to give your gut a chance to adapt, and increase your water intake alongside any increase in fibre to help reduce unwanted bloating. Kiwifruit, which contains both soluble and insoluble fibres, has been shown to be a particularly great fruit to eat to help relieve constipation and bloating in people with gut issues, so it’s one we always recommend adding to your trolley!

By Brittany Darling and Jacqueline Alwill from Day One Fertility.
Day One Fertility are an online community that offer courses, ebooks and meal planners for everything reproductive health (fertility, pregnancy, post birth and beyond). Check out their incredible Nutrition for Pregnancy course and the awesome Nutrition for Post Birth and Beyond course right here.

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