
Behind The Brand: Baby Ink's Melinda Podesta

Behind The Brand Baby Inks Melinda Podesta

It’s almost a rite of passage for newborn’s to have those tiny twinkly toes and fingers captured as a keepsake. But it was Melinda Podesta who combined her new-mum practicality, style aesthetic and entrepreneurial skills to create BABYink, a safe, affordable and beautiful way to capture those little pinkies and piggy’s in one simple kit. 

Here, Melinda explains how the magic of BABYink came to life … 

What was the inspiration behind BABYink?

I have always been an entrepreneurial thinker and became frustrated with corporate ‘red tape’ so it was a natural, easy progression to start my own business. BABYink® was developed around the time my first little one was born after seeing a clear opportunity in the market to provide a product that captured how cute his little feet and hands were in a beautiful colour, using an easy, mess-free and safe system whilst remaining affordable.

What did your life look like when you launched BABYink? 

I was 23 when I started, and I had my second little one 18 months later - so life was very busy! On reflection, it was challenging at times and as I am sure we can all relate. I was young and made plenty of mistakes! 

Looking back nearly 10 years later, I am so grateful for the invaluable experience both motherhood and business has provided ultimately leading me to where I am today.

Can you tell us a bit about the unique technology behind BABYink?

BABYink® is a unique product offering a world first, 5 colours of ink-less printing based on redundant FBI fingerprinting technology from the United States. It's the combination between the wipe and our special paper that makes the print appear like magic

Our multi-award-winning product provides an easy, safe and mess free alternative to paint and ink to capture those tiny little prints in vivid colour! 

Our customers appreciate the versatility of the product as you can hand write on the special paper provided or run it through the home printer. You can scan the prints as a photo file and pop them on a gift product like a mug for Father’s Day or a special Christmas keepsake for the grandparents - the possibilities are endless! 

Behind The Brand Baby Inks Melinda Podesta 2

What is it like juggling three little children and a growing business? 

Life has become especially busy of late after welcoming our third little one earlier this year! The business has also grown and developed significantly beyond BABYink® in recent years and our company now owns a range of brands. We also provide a range of services to local and international brands from full distribution through to consulting, sales and logistics services in a division known as ‘Smartie Pants’.

Juggling family life with our growing business is of course a balancing act! I work long hours outside of important family time, so I am up working from about 4-5am for a few hours and then flip into ‘super-mum mode’ for the morning rush and school run and back again into work mode.

I work as efficiently and productively as I can but hands down, organisation is critical so I have implemented sophisticated systems around the business and our home life to keep on top of it all. I’m am blessed with a very supportive husband and family which of course I appreciate very much as it simply wouldn’t be possible to do what I do without it.

What advice would you give to other parent-run start-ups?

I really enjoy connecting and working with mum/parent-run start-ups or those who are thinking about starting a business! It’s always a pleasure to meet like-minded people and I am always very happy to share my experience.

BABYink has become known as ‘the perfect new parent gift’. Can you explain why?

BABYink® is the BEST gift for expecting parents and is a must-have in the hospital bag. You can capture prints of any size (even the fur babies right up to adult size) so it’s perfect to use as little one gets bigger to mark those special milestone dates like the 1st birthday or the first Christmas!

Website: Instagram @babyinkkeepsake

Want to see the products up close? Come to our next Sydney baby expo or Melbourne baby expo by visiting our Sydney baby expo page here or our Melbourne baby expo page here.

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