
Cord Blood Banking: The Option All Parents Have To Safeguard Their Child's Future

Cord Blood Banking The Option All Parents Have To Safeguard Their Childs Future

As a parent, there is nothing more likely to keep you up at night than thinking about all the potential ways your child could be harmed. And while we will always do everything we can to protect them, there are just some hurdles they will inevitably face, and it’s up to us to prepare and safeguard them as much as possible so that they have the best chance of recovery.

Cord blood banking is just one way in which you can help to safeguard your child’s future and protect them from potential harm, and it all starts with one decision you make at the very beginning of their life: their birth.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in a baby’s umbilical cord and placenta immediately after he or she is born and the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut.

 Your baby’s cord blood contains a diverse mixture of important cells, including stem cells. Cord blood is a particularly rich source of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which have the ability to regenerate our organs, blood and the immune system.

Cord blood banking is the process involving the collection and storage of these important stem cells immediately after the birth of your baby. These stem cells are now being used as an alternative to bone marrow transplants for life-threatening conditions such as blood cancers, immune system and metabolic disorders. This means the cord blood stem cells are effectively stored for future use should your child need them.

What are the conditions cord blood banking can help with?

Worldwide, cord blood has been used in over 40,000 transplants in the treatment of over 80 conditions. In Australia, over 500 cord blood units have been released to treat many conditions here and abroad. Some of the diseases treated by cord blood stem cells are: cancers such as leukaemias, high-risk solid tumours, lymphomas, as well as autism, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes and paediatric stroke.

What are the benefits of cord blood collection and storage?


The cord blood collection process is popular with many parents and parents-to-be, as the procedure is non-invasive and pain-free for both mother and child.

No donor necessary:

Storing umbilical cord stem cells also means there’s no need to find a donor, should your child require stem cells for treatment of certain conditions down the line. Your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells are a perfect match for your child, and are more likely to be a match for siblings. This is important, as the greater the match, the more likely the body is of accepting the cells.

Ready immediately for use when you need it:

Once collected, the stem cells are also immediately available for treatment.

How are the cord blood stem cells stored?

Cord blood is collected at birth and processed at Cell Care's state of the art laboratory in Melbourne. The cells are cryopreserved at -196 Celsius in liquid nitrogen vapour phase for a period of 20 or 30 years. Over 60% of Australian parents electing to store cord blood and tissue are doing so with private cord blood banks where stem cells are banked for the exclusive use of their child or compatible family members.

How much does cord blood banking cost?

For private cord blood banking with Cell Care, you are able to choose whether you store your child’s cord blood for 20 or 30 years. This is a one time cost of $3,575 and $4,375 respectively. You are also able to choose a 12 monthly or 24 monthly payment plan. Also, only Cell Care offers you a refund if your cord blood or tissue for whatever reason is not collected or stored.

Cord blood banking real life story: The incredible journey of Brodie Munz

Brodie Munz is living proof of how invaluable it can be to take the step to safeguard your child’s future health. Diagnosed with Left Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy at just 18 months old, Brodie’s parents, Ben and Brenda, chose to collect his newborn sister Zoey’s cord blood through Cell Care’s sibling collection program. Brodie was suffering with limited movement in his left side and was experiencing development delays.

Since the cord blood transfusion, Brenda and Ben have reported notable improvements in Brodie’s condition.

Cord Blood Banking The Option All Parents Have To Safeguard Their Childs Future 2

“Particularly with his left arm, since the cord blood treatment Brodie’s increased movement and strength in his left arm has had a significant impact on his quality of life. Prior to December, he would avoid playground apparatus requiring use of his left arm; it’s no longer the case now.”

Brenda says “I’ve even noticed a difference in his intellectual ability. He is definitely brighter and more engaging since the infusion.”

See more of Brodie’s incredible journey below...

To find out more about cord blood collection and banking, or to request an info pack, click here to visit the Cell Care website....

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